Consulting Services

Consulting Services

We offer both first and second opinions on other agency media plans.

Premium Support

Premium Support

We offer first class strategic direction for advertisers and accounts who aren’t certain of the service level from their current vendors.

Campaign Success

Campaign Success

Did the campaign drive traffic, increase awareness, increase sales, or drive attendance?

The Media Department of New York consults for numerous companies that desire a second opinion on the direction and makeup of media plans and buys created by other agencies.


Top-notch media talent is simply stretched too thin at the major traditional and interactive media companies and clients look to us as a voice of reason.

Inexperienced juniors

Many accounts are relegated to overworked juniors that do not have the experience, time or desire to provide proper strategic and executional direction.

Trusted Expert Partners

The Media Department provides benefits to advertisers who believe they are not getting first class service from their current vendor.

Seamless Integration

Whether as a third party vendor or as a unified team member, The Media Department is experienced at integrating with your existing team of professionals in a way that works for both you and your clients.


Maximizing ROI

By identifying the most effective traditional and interactive media strategies.

Industry awareness

Determining if the media prices paid are in line with industry standards and if there are ways to reduce them.

Effective allocation

More effective allocation of advertising dollars between traditional and interactive media forms.


Understanding the competition


Identifying wasteful media elements that can save marketing dollars with no loss in consumer awareness, lead generation or e-comm.


For all consults full discretion is guaranteed.

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